   Excel VBA




 ■お詫びと訂正 (更新2005年07月07日)

 本書、P22の「図 1-5-2」中、18行目に誤りがありました。
 本書、P24の「図 1-5-3」中、12行目、17行目、21行目に誤りがありました。
 本書、P28の「図 1-6-4」中、13行目、18行目、22行目に誤りがありました。


1  Sub CountIterationNumber()
2     Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
3     Dim Islash As Integer, Jslash As Integer
4     Dim CharI As String, CharJ As String
5  '
6     Worksheets("Sheet2").Activate
7     i = 1
8     Do Until Cells(i, 1) = Empty
9      i = i + 1
10     Loop
11    ItrNum = i - 1
12     j = 0
13     For i = 1 To ItrNum
14      CharI = Cells(i, 9)
15      Islash = InStr(CharI, "/")
16      CharJ = Cells(i, 10)
17      Jslash = InStr(CharJ, "/")
18      If Islash <> 0 Or Jslash <> 0 Then j = j + 1
19     Next i
20     ItrNum = ItrNum + j
21  End Sub

図 1-5-2 Sub CountIterationNumber

1  Sub Insertion()
2     Dim i As Integer
3     Dim Islash As Integer, Jslash As Integer
4     Dim CharI As String, CharJ As String
5     Dim Chr As String
6     Call CountIterationNumber
7     For i = 1 To ItrNum
8      CharI = Cells(i, 9)
9      Islash = InStr(CharI, "/")
10      CharJ = Cells(i, 10)
11      Jslash = InStr(CharJ, "/")
12      If Islash <> 0 Or Jslash <> 0 Then
13       Chr = Str(i + 1)
14       Chr = Mid(Chr, 2, Len(Chr) - 1)
15       Rows(Chr + ":" + Chr).Select
16       Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
17       If Islash <> 0 Then
18        Cells(i, 9) = Mid(CharI, 1, Islash - 1)
19        Cells(i + 1, 9) = Mid(CharI, Islash + 1)
20       End If
21       If Jslash <> 0 Then
22        Cells(i, 10) = Mid(CharJ, 1, Jslash - 1)
23        Cells(i + 1, 10) = Mid(CharJ, Jslash + 1)
24       End If
25      End If
26     Next i
27  End Sub

図 1-5-3 Sub Insertionのコード

1  Sub Insertion()
2     Dim i As Integer
3     Dim Islash As Integer, Jslash As Integer
4     Dim CharI As String, CharJ As String
5     Dim Chr As String
6     Call CountIterationNumber
7     i = 1
8  Loop1:
9     CharI = Cells(i, 9)
10     Islash = InStr(CharI, "/")
11     CharJ = Cells(i, 10)
12     Jslash = InStr(CharJ, "/")
13     If Islash <> 0 Or Jslash <> 0 Then
14      Chr = Str(i + 1)
15      Chr = Mid(Chr, 2, Len(Chr) - 1)
16      Rows(Chr + ":" + Chr).Select
17      Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
18      If Islash <> 0 Then
19       Cells(i, 9) = Mid(CharI, 1, Islash - 1)
20       Cells(i + 1, 9) = Mid(CharI, Islash + 1)
21      End If
22      If Jslash <> 0 Then
23       Cells(i, 10) = Mid(CharJ, 1, Jslash - 1)
24       Cells(i + 1, 10) = Mid(CharJ, Jslash + 1)
25      End If
26      ItrNum = ItrNum + 1
27     End If
28     i = i + 1
29     If i <= ItrNum Then GoTo Loop1
30  End Sub

図 1-6-4 修正した Sub Insertion



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